Terms & Conditions

Short Courses - Open Course Bookings


Payment must be made prior to the date of the course.


A full refund will be given if a booking is cancelled not later than 15 working days prior to the course start date or if Training for Care cancels a course.


Stated course lengths include a.m. and p.m. break (15 min) and lunch break (30 min). Courses involving practical exercises may finish earlier than scheduled if participant numbers are low (although the syllabus will have been fully covered).


Courses will be held at:

Training for Care, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road Edinburgh EH7 5QY

Venue details will be stated on the booking confirmation.


Due to Covid-19 we are not currently serving refreshments or lunches for any of our open courses. Our venue is very close to some lovely cafes or you can bring a packed lunch.

Lost Certificates

The fee for reissuing lost certificates is £5.00 per certificate for all TfC certificates, and £15.00 for reissue of REHIS certificates. (Alternatively for REHIS certificates: contact TfC for REHIS certificate number [no charge] and apply directly to REHIS; this will save you approximately £10!).

Short Courses - Group Bookings

Trainer Travel and Accommodation Expenses

By Car

Journeys are calculated from central Edinburgh

  • 20 miles or less: no charge
  • 21 – 120 miles: 40 p.p.m.
  • Time over 1 hour: £18 p.h.
  • 120+ miles: negotiable
  • All mileage/time charges calculated by Training for Care using RAC Route Planner, plus 5%. Please Note: An additional 1 hour is charged for courses in Glasgow starting before 10:00 a.m. to allow for rush hour traffic. 

By Public Transport

Fare minus first £8. Time: £18 per hour for hours 2 – 4; negotiable rate for additional hours.

Overnight Accommodation


Catering (for courses at Training for Care)

We are currently serving refreshments. Our venue is very close to some lovely cafes or you can bring a packed lunch.

Course Accommodation

Where courses cannot be accommodated at our premises or the course purchaser’s venue, room hire will be charged at cost.

It is the course purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that course accommodation on their premises (or on premises arranged by them) is adequate for the group size and type of training requested. Training for Care will make every effort to work with the course purchaser to ensure that requirements are communicated clearly and agreed, and will be as flexible as is compatible with delivering the training effectively. However, should the accommodation not permit effective training, the trainer will not deliver the course (and will provide the specific reasons in writing why it has not been possible) and Training for Care will charge the course purchaser the fee agreed for the course.

Health and Safety

Where the trainer considers that there is risk of harm to themselves or to the course participants, for reasons of behaviour or environment, they will terminate the course immediately and provide a written explanation for consideration by the course purchaser and Training for Care. Under such circumstances, the fee for the course will be a matter for discussion between the purchaser and Training for Care.

Cancellation Charges
  • 15 days or more in advance: no charge.
  • 14 – 8 days in advance: entire course – 50% of fee estimate at time of booking confirmation
  • 7 days or less in advance: entire course – 100% of fee estimate at time of booking confirmation

Any places booked as part of the group booking and not taken up will be charged. All cancellations made 14 or less days in advance of the booking must be confirmed in writing within one week of the initial notification.


Organisations will be invoiced at the end of the month in which the course took place.

Lost Certificates

The fee for reissuing lost certificates is £5.00 per certificate for all TfC certificates, and £15.00 for reissue of REHIS certificates. (Alternatively for REHIS certificates: contact TfC for REHIS certificate number [no charge] and apply directly to REHIS; this will save you approximately £10!).

Vocational Training

Candidate Selection

Selection procedures focus on the abilities, commitment and employment position of the candidate and on the commitment and capability of the candidate’s employer to support the qualification process

Training for Care will
  • Provide all training and assessment inputs as detailed on the specific course publicity and programme of study, including selected learning materials and award stationery.
  • Appoint internal verifiers and peripatetic assessors who meet Awarding Body requirements.
  • Implement quality assurance systems to meet Awarding Body requirements.
  • Ensure efficient administration of the scheme, including registration and certification of candidates, through the TfC centre contact who will handle all documentation and liaise with the Awarding Body on behalf of participating agencies.
The candidate’s employer will be required to
  • Where relevant, complete initial and any ongoing Modern Apprenticeship documentation required by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to ensure funding can be accessed in line with the candidate’s individual training plan and allow access to SDS staff if requested to interview the candidate and employer for quality assessment purposes.
  • Provide a nominated, appropriately qualified workplace mentor to ensure that the candidate is fully engaged in the requirements of a work based qualification and to act as the key contact for liaison and support with TfC’s peripatetic assessor. Specifically, the mentor will ensure that the candidate:
    • attends induction
    • applicable to taught programmes only: attends tutorials at TfC as set out in the course programme of study. Employers will be sent a non-attendance record sheet if the candidate is absent.
    • is given access to the work and assessment opportunities necessary for the completion of the award and is adequately prepared for assessment through having received the necessary workplace experience and knowledge in an appropriate assessment environment (a minimum of 12 hours/week work experience is required to meet these requirements)
    • is available for assessment within work rotas at the times arranged with the TfC assessor; this will cover direct observation and feedback inputs plus any other assessment activities specified in the course programme;
    • is provided with the necessary support by the mentor to follow the assessment process, including planning and feedback, and to meet agreed targets set by the assessor;
    • is provided with the support of an appropriately qualified member of staff for the provision of witness evidence; this may also be the mentor; and,
    • if agreed prior to start of course, has pc/internet access at work for use of the e-portfolio.
  • Provide access to the site and the candidate for TfC’s assessor and internal verifier to carry out their role, and, if required, for SQA quality assurance personnel and regulatory body personnel, except in circumstances where this would clearly conflict with the best interests of clients. See our guidance regarding Covid-19
  • Ensure that all data received from Training for Care in relation to the candidate is managed in line with current data protection regulations.
  • Comply with all current equal opportunities and anti-discrimination legislation to ensure equality of access to assessment.
  • Comply with all relevant, current health and safety legislation.

Note:  these are requirements of being an approved SVQ Assessment Site with TfC.  Where it appears that the above conditions are not being met, TfC will initiate discussions with the assessment site manager and, in the event of an unsatisfactory outcome, reserves the right to withdraw assessment site status.

The candidate will be required to
  • Complete induction and sign all necessary documentation.
  • Adhere to the terms contained in the Candidate Assessor Mentor Agreement, which will be agreed with the candidate at the start of the assessment process. This includes agreement to use e-portfolio.
  • Meet the achievement and progress targets as agreed.
  • Applicable to taught programmes only: attend a minimum of 80% of the tutorials and support sessions set out in the programme of study. Employers will be sent a non-attendance record sheet if the candidate is absent.
Award Schedules and Penalties

Taking into account the candidates individual circumstances, a fair and realistic assessment schedule, including the date by which the award is required to be completed, is agreed by the candidate, the candidate’s employer and the TfC assessor at entry.  The purpose of this is to maintain momentum and to use resources efficiently and effectively.  In order to ensure this, the following conditions apply:

  • The agreed completion date may be extended under the following circumstances
    • If within the first three months of the award it is clear that additional time (up to 33% of the original completion timescale) would be appropriate e.g. identification of additional support needs, special workplace or personal circumstances.
    • Temporary suspension of training or deferment to a future course. Offered where all the conditions are in place for achievement of the qualification but the candidate is temporarily prevented from doing so for reasons outwith their or their workplace’s control, subject to TfC being kept informed.  On resumption of assessment there will be a fee of £150 to cover additional induction, assessment planning and administration costs.
  • Plans to take the candidate to the next assessment point will be agreed as the candidate progresses through the award.
  • The first two times that a candidate fails to meet agreed deadlines, a new deadline will be agreed to return the candidate to the course schedule. The candidate is normally given 4 weeks to ‘catch up’.
  • If the candidate fails to re-engage or falls behind schedule a third time, the candidate will either be withdrawn from the award or will be asked to attend a “award recovery support session”.
  • If, having attended the recovery session, the candidate falls behind schedule again, their place on the award will be withdrawn.
  • Employers will be sent progress reports regarding all rescheduling decisions and outcomes and will be expected to follow these up with their staff member.
  • Course fees are based on the average assessment hours required to complete the award and, therefore, allow some flexibility. However, if the need for further assessor inputs is identified this will be discussed with the employer. Additional assessment hours are charged to the employer at £40/hour.
General Assessment Principles
  • Assessment arrangements are made on the understanding that the best interests of clients will be protected at all times.
  • Client confidentiality will be maintained in all SVQ recording undertaken by either the candidate or the assessor and safe storage of documents, paper/electronic, will be arranged.
  • Only the following will have access to the candidate’s portfolio: candidate, assessor, mentor, internal verifier, external verifier. Access by others will not be granted without the specific permission of the candidate.
  • All evidence must relate to the candidate’s knowledge and performance, and, therefore, must be authentic.
  • In the case of unresolved disputes, the Appeal Procedure issued at induction will be followed