Modern Apprenticeships are funded by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and enable candidates to ‘earn while they learn’. An Apprenticeship is an excellent way to gain qualifications, benefiting both the trainee and employer. Funding is available to candidates of all ages (subject to eligibility and availability) applying for our SVQs in Social Services and Healthcare and Social Services (Children and Young People).
Information for Applicants
If you are in a job and wish to become an Apprentice please discuss this with your employer and contact us if you need more information.
If you are not in a job but wish to become a Modern Apprentice please contact us to find out what opportunities are available.
See our frequently asked questions below or go to for general information about Modern Apprenticeships.
Information for Employers
Modern Apprenticeships are used by many employers to train staff. An Apprentice can be a new recruit or an existing member of staff who would benefit from significant new knowledge and skills.
If you are looking to recruit an Apprentice we can help you with this:
1 Provide work experience
We run courses for people who are interested in a care or childcare career. Students attend a tutorial once a week to gain sector knowledge and employability skills, and attend a work placement four days per week for up to eight weeks. Employers who offer placements can assess the participant’s suitability for employment and, if things go well, may choose to offer employment as a Modern Apprentice.
2 Advertise on the website
Training for Care can advertise a vacancy for your organisation through SDS’s website. Once recruited, we will work with you to sign your new staff member up as a Modern Apprentice.
3 Advertise through your normal channels
Once a potential employee has been identified we will work in partnership with you and interview the candidate for our Apprenticeship programme.
General information for employers is available on Skills Development Scotland’s website here or please contact us if you would like to discuss Apprenticeships for your organisation.
Enhanced Funding for Disabled/Care Experienced MAs
In recognition that disabled people and those who are care experienced can face challenges on their career journey, Skills Development Scotland have made available enhanced Modern Apprenticeship funding for people age 20 – 29 who meet disabled or care experienced criteria. For more information click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to be a Modern Apprentice?
To be eligible for an apprenticeship you must not be
- at school, college or university full-time
- an overseas national who is subject to an employment restriction or to a time limit on your stay in Great Britain – or both. (But if you’re a refugee or asylum seeker, you can apply.)
- already on an employment, training or enterprise scheme that’s funded by the government or SDS
- in custody as a prisoner, or on remand
What hours does a Modern Apprentice work?
Working hours, annual leave and sickness leave will be in accordance the policies and procedures of the Apprentices workplace.
Does a Modern Apprentice need time out of the workplace for training?
Most Apprentices will need some time out of the workplace to attend support sessions with their tutor/assessor. We have a range of delivery models to suit both the employer and the Apprentice.
What qualification will the Modern Apprentice achieve?
We deliver Social Services (Children and Young People) SVQs and Social Services and Healthcare SVQs. Candidates will also achieve IT and Numeracy Core Skills.
How long does it take to complete the qualification?
Completion can range from 6 to 18 months depending on the type of apprenticeship and level of experience.
How much support does an MA need in the workplace?
We request that employers assign a named mentor to each Apprentice with whom our assessor will liaise closely. This ensures all parties involved understand what is required of them and it will help the assessment process to run as smoothly as possible.
How much is a Modern Apprentice paid?
National minimum wage levels for Apprentices are set by UK Government but rate of pay is at the employers discretion and may be more.
Will I need to pay anything to be a Modern Apprentice?
Most of our Modern Apprenticeships are fully funded however we may ask for a small employer contribution of £350.00 for Social Care awards depending on the age of the Apprentice.
How do I apply?
Completed applications should be signed by both the candidate and the employer and sent to Training for Care, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road Edinburgh EH7 5QY. Please contact us if you have any queries about applying.