Step into Childcare / Step into Adult Care

Step into Childcare / Step into Adult Care

Our Skills Development Scotland funded programme is designed to help you to 

  • Build up your knowledge and practical experience of caring for adults or children
  • Gain confidence and employability skills
  • Find employment in social care or childcare

NEXT COURSE:  Start any time – Apply Now

About the Programmes

How long does the programme last?
  • 13 – 26 weeks depending on how quickly you build up your skills
Where and when does the training take place?
  • Monday to Friday, 30 hours per week
  • Placement 4 days per week (you may be asked to work early or back shifts at certain placements but this will be agreed with you beforehand)
  • Tutorial 1 day per week (Wednesday 9.30am – 12.30pm)
What will I do on placement?
  • You will work with your chosen client group: either with children in nurseries, playgroups and afterschool clubs; or with older people and people with additional needs in care homes, daycare centres and community care
  • You will find out what is involved in carrying out a care support worker or childcare practitioner job and have the chance to do real hands on work assisting in, e.g., child development and personal care
  • You will work towards achieving the SQA “Practical Workplace Skills” unit
What will I do on tutorial days?
  • You will develop your knowledge and understanding of care theory and practice and receive employability training
  • You will work towards achieving units from the “Certificate of Work Readiness”
  • You will receive certificated training in First Aid, Moving and Handling and Practical Workplace Skills
How will I be supported?
  • Your course tutor will work closely with you throughout the programme and give you the support you need
  • Your work placement will allocate a member of staff to work with you and support you
Do I get any financial support?

You will receive a training allowance of £55 per week plus weekly travel costs after the first £3 (if you are a DWP client you will continue to receive your benefits instead of the training allowance)

How many people will be in my group?
  • 16 students maximum
What will I do after the course?
  • Our aim is to help you find employment as a Modern Apprentice, with fully funded entry to our SQA approved qualifications in either Social Services Children and Young People SVQ Level 3 or Social Services and Healthcare SVQ Level 2. These qualifications are required to be a registered carer of children or adults in Scotland.
What do I need to get a place on the course?
  • You must be aged 16 or over
  • Selection for the programmes is by interview
  • Show that you have a real interest in either childcare or care of adults
  • A work experience placement, or voluntary work, or babysitting or family care to back up your interest would also be very helpful
When are courses available?
  • The course runs 4 times a year, with intakes in February, June, September and November

How do I apply?

Either go to your local SDS Careers Centre or Jobcentre Plus and ask them to refer you onto the programme (you can find out where your nearest centre on the SDS or DWP websites)
or contact Training for Care directly

0131 556 7773