Level 3 Food Hygiene
Please get in touch if you have a requirement for this REHIS course.
Open Course Dates
Level 3 Food Hygiene | tbc |
Course Information
This REHIS certificated three day course is for managers, supervisors, chefs and other key personnel who have direct food safety responsibilities in food preparation and food handling environments, and meets the legal requirement for training commensurate with these responsibilities. It combines more detailed examination of the topics covered in Elementary Food Hygiene with components of HACCP and further legislation.
Course Content
- supervisory management
- bacteriology
- bacterial food poisoning
- food borne infections
- non bacterial food poisoning
- food contamination and prevention
- food storage and temperature control
- legislation
- food preservation
- food premises and equipment
- cleaning and disinfection
- pest control
- hazard analysis and critical control points
- relevant information on Covid-19 throughout
A written two and half hour, twenty question examination with a pass mark of sixty percent will conclude the final session.
Certification Certificate from the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) (valid for 5 years)
Course Length 3 Days at 7 hours per day
Delivery Model Face-to-face delivery and assessment
Cost £2400 for up to 8 participants (plus £300 per additional participant, up to max of 15)